Check out our Brand New Jag35 Product. It’s the new Jag35 T-Shirt. Order yours Today!


We’re constantly tryin’ to come up with new ways to make things easier for both us and our customers. We have put up a new FAQ Section which will allow us to register our most commonly asked questions, this way you can get your answers (hopefully) without even havin’ to ask us, we’re hoping this will free us up a bit and we’ll be able to concentrate on developing new and improving our products. Please take a look at this new Section in our website and before sending us a questions thru our contact page, see if we have already posted and answer to your question. Also, noticed that we have allowed comments on these questions, if you have something to add or still have a similar variant to this question, please use the comment option for this. Thanks again for reading and for all the support you guys have shown in our Jag35 Products.

Had a Chance to Shadow Philip Bloom from this past weekend at Joshua Tree park in california. I Had been really looking forward to watch a pro at work while shooting a real project. He has been hired by Panasonic to make them a nice little short to show at the European press launch of the GH1 on May 21st at Panasonic HQ.
Illya Friedman of joined up with Phil with his brand new prototype PL mount adaptor for cinemas lenses so you can actually put them onto this little camera! Also along for the ride were Jake Carpenter from and David Aldrich who makes the $100 follow focus found at
Had loads of fun with the guys mostly talking good old geek tech talk and making fun of each other.
Philip blogs about it in his site here:
Shot all of this using my new HF-s10 and the New JAG35st that sells for $99 at