I would like to give you guys an update on some of the products we will be releasing very soon, They are being prepared for Anodizing! This is a process where the finish of the aluminum actually gets changed at the molecular level to protect and color the parts, it is what every pro Level piece of gear should be finished in. This is a First for us as we have been using traditional methods of fishing our products to save on time and cost. Even though we are still very much concerned with value when designing products we like to push the envelop and move up in quality of fabrication, All of our new products will be custom fabricated using aluminum, milled with CNC machines and finished in hard finish anodizing.
First I like to show the first pictures of the DSLR Accessory cage, Its really small and it wraps around the body of your 5DMK2 or 7D without adding too much size or weight to the rig but it will allow to mount several accessories at the same time like a Zoon HD4, an external monitor, or a microphone. In the front it has the ability to mount the super affordable D|Focus without the need rods. In its simplest form its able to be used as a handheld rig and also to be mounted to a tripod. If you need to use a mattebox, like the one pictured by Genus, you will be able to easily and affordably get a rod attachment and a pair of 6" rods just for the mattebox. Or you can get longer rods and configure the rig with handles and a shoulder pad for a shoulder rig. On the Top of the cage, you'll also be able to attach rod clamps to run a set of rods in both back to front or side to side configuration. Along with and to support the cage we will be offering our own line of very affordable 15mm rods in 6",12" and 24" Also our own handles and rod clamps, raiser blocks and many other cool stuff. We believe this system will be vastly configurable and will be be very popular.
Next, the return of the JAG35SP v2, this is in a whole different category than the v1. The case is now custom milled out of aluminum and again will be anodized black. The battery performance in this adapter is increased from the previous version and noise and optical performance is also worlds appart. Along with the adapter we will be offering affordable mounting solutions, for the very popular among our clients hv40 camera there will be a very simple and very affordable plate for support with out rails. There will also be a universal rods set for all other cameras including a cage to mount your camera upside down for a complete solution. Will be available in canon EF and FD mounts and Nikon and pentax M42 using adapter rings. If you'd like to be kept up to date on the SPs release please submit your email here.
Also in the very early stages of discussion are talks of making our very own affordable matte box, we are really exited as we think we have found a way to get this from concept to finish product in a couple of months. I'd like to thank Genus for creating such an awesome matte box, Currently i think its the best one out there, Some might think its a little pricey but for the features, craftsmanship, and performance we think this is priced correctly, and until we have our own you will see us using it and recommending it. Here is the Latest FreshDV review
UPDATE: Here is the first prototype we came up with, still needs a lot of work but here is what we will aim for, will be out of carbon fiber to keep super light weight, Will be able to use it as a shade, just screwed on the front of the lens or supported with 15mm rails. Will support french flag and side flags, one fixed stage for 4x4 filter and upgradeable to 2 stages 1 rotating and 1 fixed. Lots of work ahead of us.

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Hi there
would the spinner be possible to mount on a shrigg rig?
No its going to be too big, shrigg only works with round dof adapters
A "jagMatte?" That's freaking awesome!
Will the matte box work with a Panasonic AG-DVX100B
how about a flip module...
aahh i can't wait for the spinner!
A Couple Things,
1. How much are you thinking about charging for the matebox?
2. I would like to suggest a feature that you could possibly incorporate in to the design of your mattebox. I think a "swing away" feature would be great to easily switch out lenses.
3. I have heard a couple of price points flying around for the spinner, which one of those is right?
1 Matte box Price? Not sure yet how much it will cost but it will be affordable.
2 Swing away feature not plan on first release but i could be added down the line.
3 JAG35SP will be selling for $375 http://jag35.com/new/products/jag35sp/
The CAGE also works with compact consumer cameras like Vixia HFS10, and works as a base plate?
ps: the swing away in the matte box would be very handy.
What is your reccomendation for my camcorder, the Panasonic HDC TM300? Your JAG35 looks very interesting. I am looking for a 35mm adaptor, rails, mattebox, follow focus and a handle.
Thanks and Regards from Malaysia
Donald G. H Tan
Videos at http://www.youtube.com/donaldghtan
What do you have as a delivery date for the D-Follow focus unit? I've paid for mine and hoping to have it in hand by Mid to Late Aug.
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