Back by popular demand, the $99 static is back. Available in FD mount and 37mm and 43mm threads ready to be used with most consumer camcorders.
Standing apart from all the rest of the diy statics, it uses a glass ground screen and a precision optical condensing lens. If the film look is what you are after, the grain and shallow depth of field this adapter will work wonders for you.

Hey everyone, we’re back from the NAB Show and let me just say, thanks to all you guys for bein’ so patient, it took me two days to finish answering all your emails, but somehow I got thru them. The NAB Show was great, click here to see some highlights posted by Philip Bloom, it was great finally meeting him.
We got some great news regarding the Jag35SP. We finally got in the New Machined Screens, which will improve the noise level significantly. We will be doing some test with it in the next few days, so we’ll post them as soon we can. For everyone that has a pending Jag35SP ordered, we will be shipping these starting Monday morning. Thanks for hanging in there, and bein’ so patient as we continue to improve and develop our products.

We’re doing what we can to provide you with a more affordable achromat, but in the meantime, we still will offer the 62mm and 72mm achromats, it’s the only way we can offer the Jag35Pro w/ all the thread sizes at the moment. Keep in mind also, for all you prosumer camera owners, you will be able to use this Jag35Pro with your camera since it already includes the XL Optics. We’re hopin’ to get a few more quotes from a couple more labs, as soon as we do, we will be able to offer the smaller Achromats.

Well as we mentioned before, we are coming to the end of our 43mm Achromat Batch, and don’t say we didn’t warn you, but we are now all Sold out. If you have a 43mm Threaded Camera, your current options are, to get a Jag35E which only comes with 43mm thread, or get one of the last remaining 37mm threaded Jag35Pro adapters and use a 43mm to 37mm step down ring. We are currently working on ordering custom manufactured achromat lenses. Another option is to get the XL Optics and use a step down ring from either 62mm or 72mm to your cameras thread. We will keep you posted, as soon as we’re ready to start shipping the 43mm Jag35Pro again. Don’t forget to subscribe to our News Feed.

We are coming to the end of our stash of Achromats we had purchased and are currently using on our JAGPro model. Turns out the achromats we use are the same focal lengh as the commonly used Opteka lenses. Thats 95mm FL, the only difference is that ours are 55mm diameter and optekas are 40mm.
We are currently working to order custom made optics but they might not be ready before we run out of our current stock of achromats so if you have been thinking of ordering a pro for your 43 or 37mm threaded camera, now might be a good time to order before they are all gone. We will be offering the pro with the 62 and 72mm achromats in the time between the old and new achromats but those are more expensive so if your looking to save you have to hurry.

This camera is awesome, it seems that it is the perfect camera for use with depth of field adapters. Why? Well, its small and light, so even after adding an adapter and a lens its still small enough to carry it everywhere. The threads are a whopping 58mm which in my opinion will handle the stress of the weight better than smaller diameter threads. Also the the focus wheel is perfect and super precise, when you set the focus to manual and you turn the focus wheel the cameras lcd will show you a zoomed portion of the frame and it will automatically turn on focus assist. After you find precise focus it goes back to normal, this might be nothing new and something that is found on other cameras but its new to me and I love it, works just like charm when setting back focus. Another thing its cool is that it has the joystick used to navigate the menus on the LCD which works better with the flip hack as commands work normally and are not inverted, like the case with hv cameras that have this joystick on the cameras body. Other than that, picture quality improvement over HVs is apparent from the first moment you look at that higher resolution LCD. Even though i’m not crazy about AVCHD I think this camera will be a Hit and i highly recommend it.
Labels: Cameras

This is another one of those emails I answer about 20 times daily. I understand you guys all wanna save a few bucks on shipping, and I can appreciate that. I wish I could help you out, but I just can’t do it at this moment. I’m working out of my home, and I’m just not set up to have customers stopping by all day. I used to do it when I first started, ‘till it got out of hand, and I couldn’t get any work done, because I had too many clients just hanging out waiting around for their order to be ready. This is one of the reasons why I only accept Mail Orders. Also, to be fair to everyone, I process all orders as they come in, in the order they come in. I can’t just drop my list of orders, and take care of your stuff, just cause you happen to live next door to me, (believe me, this has happened) Anyway, just wanted to make sure you guys know why I don’t accept any drop or pick ups from local clients. It’s not just because I’m a jerk or don’t wanna meet you guys. Thanks for being so understanding about this.

A lot of people have been asking about what lenses I like to use on my Jag35 setup, or what lenses I suggest they use with the their new Jag35 product. Well there’s really no one right way to answer this. I guess there’s a couple of different things to consider. 1) Price is definitely something you need to consider, since buyin’ lenses can get real expensive real quick. I like the Canon FD lenses, because they are older lenses and are easier to find used less expensive ones online either on eBay or other sites like this. 2) Type of Shoots you’ll be doing is another thing to consider. Any shoots where you can’t control your lighting, then you want the faster lenses. I like the Canon FD 50mm f1.2, which is best for most situations, of course this lense can be pretty expensive, the alternative to this would be the f1.4 or f.1.8 which are still good choices, and can still be purchases fairly inexpensive. 3) A lot of people have been asking why chose FD over EF. Well the simple answer to this, is EF is a newer mount, which means EF lenses are Automatic. When shooting with a DOF Adapter, you need to be able to adjust all your settings like focus and aperture on your lens manually, for this Reason FD Lenses are the best choice, most FD lenses are older, therefore they are Manual Lenses. 4) Another common question is about using Zoom Lenses with your Adapter. This can be done, however, keep in mind that Zoom lenses are very slow, so shooting under the right conditions with a Zoom, you should be fine, not recommended for every type of situation.
Click Here to see which lenses I have available for sale on the website.

So it’s the end of the day on Monday. I’ve pretty much spend my full day, answering emails, and I gotta say, about 70% of the questions I received today, was: “When will you ship my order?”. Now I like to take the time to answer everyone’s questions personally, however, I gotta say, it’s become redundant, I would hate to have an auto-responder, to handle my email, but I might be at that point. I mean, I probably could have shipped some of those customers orders, if I wasn’t stuck at my computer answering all those questions all day. Anyway, in all honesty, every order I receive I treat it as a Rushed order, and as long as I have all the parts needed to ship the order, I process it and get it on it’s way, so please don’t think I’m just sitting here holding on to orders for fun. It just isn’t the case, I will ship ‘em as fast as I possibly can. I’m on a constant struggle to get caught up and get you your adapters as fast as possible. Thanks for understanding.

Hi there, I decided to start a simple blog where I can post quick general comments about different subjects and share with you guys, feel free to subscribe to receive updates when ever I post new entries.
In this first Post, I wanna talk about the New Canon HF-S10. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about our Jag35 products working with this camera. First of all, congratulations to all of you for gettin’ this camera so quick, but it seems you all beat me to it. I just ordered mine last night, so I should be gettin’ it by Saturday. I’ll be testing over the weekend, and should have more answers for you guys by monday. I’ve already setup my Jag35Pro with a 58mm thread and it’s on standby ready to go. Can’t wait to try it out.
Labels: Cameras