I would like to give you guys an update on some of the products we will be releasing very soon, They are being prepared for Anodizing! This is a process where the finish of the aluminum actually gets changed at the molecular level to protect and color the parts, it is what every pro Level piece of gear should be finished in. This is a First for us as we have been using traditional methods of fishing our products to save on time and cost. Even though we are still very much concerned with value when designing products we like to push the envelop and move up in quality of fabrication, All of our new products will be custom fabricated using aluminum, milled with CNC machines and finished in hard finish anodizing.
First I like to show the first pictures of the DSLR Accessory cage, Its really small and it wraps around the body of your 5DMK2 or 7D without adding too much size or weight to the rig but it will allow to mount several accessories at the same time like a Zoon HD4, an external monitor, or a microphone. In the front it has the ability to mount the super affordable D|Focus without the need rods. In its simplest form its able to be used as a handheld rig and also to be mounted to a tripod. If you need to use a mattebox, like the one pictured by Genus, you will be able to easily and affordably get a rod attachment and a pair of 6" rods just for the mattebox. Or you can get longer rods and configure the rig with handles and a shoulder pad for a shoulder rig. On the Top of the cage, you'll also be able to attach rod clamps to run a set of rods in both back to front or side to side configuration. Along with and to support the cage we will be offering our own line of very affordable 15mm rods in 6",12" and 24" Also our own handles and rod clamps, raiser blocks and many other cool stuff. We believe this system will be vastly configurable and will be be very popular.
Next, the return of the JAG35SP v2, this is in a whole different category than the v1. The case is now custom milled out of aluminum and again will be anodized black. The battery performance in this adapter is increased from the previous version and noise and optical performance is also worlds appart. Along with the adapter we will be offering affordable mounting solutions, for the very popular among our clients hv40 camera there will be a very simple and very affordable plate for support with out rails. There will also be a universal rods set for all other cameras including a cage to mount your camera upside down for a complete solution. Will be available in canon EF and FD mounts and Nikon and pentax M42 using adapter rings. If you'd like to be kept up to date on the SPs release please submit your email here.
Also in the very early stages of discussion are talks of making our very own affordable matte box, we are really exited as we think we have found a way to get this from concept to finish product in a couple of months. I'd like to thank Genus for creating such an awesome matte box, Currently i think its the best one out there, Some might think its a little pricey but for the features, craftsmanship, and performance we think this is priced correctly, and until we have our own you will see us using it and recommending it. Here is the Latest FreshDV review
UPDATE: Here is the first prototype we came up with, still needs a lot of work but here is what we will aim for, will be out of carbon fiber to keep super light weight, Will be able to use it as a shade, just screwed on the front of the lens or supported with 15mm rails. Will support french flag and side flags, one fixed stage for 4x4 filter and upgradeable to 2 stages 1 rotating and 1 fixed. Lots of work ahead of us.

The most asked question by far this week, has been, when are we going to ship the LCDVFs. Well, as many of you already know, our first shipment hadn't arrived, so we really didn't know when we would be shipping them. We had an idea of when they would arrive, however, it was only a approximation, so we couldn't really say for sure.
We were a bit overwhelmed with the response we got for the LCDVF when the manufacturer officially announced that Jag35.com would be the official North American distributer, and because of this response and a guarantee from the manufacturer to ship them by a certain date, we decided to post them on the site and start selling them. We were surprised to have sold out our first batch within a little bit over a week.
So here we are now two weeks later, all sold out and still hadn't received our first shipment, and we were getting bombarded by both anxious clients waiting to receive their ordered LCDVFs and by clients who still want to purchase one, but the website shows them as sold out. We're happy to announce to all those who already bought one, we received our first shipment today, early enough to package them and get them out with today's mail. You should be receiving a Tracking Number hopefully sometime before the end of today, if not, please be patient with us and you'll have it by morning.
To all those of you who have asked and still haven't had the opportunity to place your order, you'll be happy to know, we have submitted our second order, and should be receiving it hopefully before two weeks from today. We will not have them available on the website, 'till the second shipment has arrived from the manufacturer. If you would like to be notified the second they go on sale on the site again, please submit your email thru our contact form, and you will be notified right away, as soon as they go on sale. What this means is, that when you place your order, we will ship it the same day if you order early enough in the day or next day if you order in the evening.
Here's a link to our contact form where you can place your name and email to our waiting list. CLICK HERE
The LCDVF order page is HERE

One of our clients sent us this link to a video where they used certain shots from a Jag35 adapter. I thought it was cool they used them. Can you spot which shots where shot with an adapter? it's pretty obvious, ha!
Here's the original video where they took the clips from.
Labels: Jag35Pro, Testimonial, Videos

In light of the approaching new year I would like to discuss some of the new products that we have in the works of for all you hdslr users out there. I know, many still think these devices are not true serious video shooting cameras because all of limitations they have like Odd shaped form factor, aliasing, flash banding, rolling shutter and so on. But to those who think in such way let me just say that everything has limitations, consider Film for example: Outrageously expensive, needs tons of light, 24 fps not good for fast action because of strobing, film cameras don"t record audio, and need large crew to operate, and the list keeps going. With a list like that you would wonder why anyone would even think shooting on film, but the answer is always because the image was well worth all the trouble. The same goes for todays new HDSLRs cameras, the image they produce is well worth all the trouble and in this coming year we will see a lot more productions using them whether is for TV or the big screen, 2010 is the year we will see the release of motion picture shot on HDslr. Don't believe me? read this: The tale of Lucasfilm, Skywalker Ranch, Red Tails, Star Wars and Canon DSLRs on a 40 foot screen!
Anyways back to topic, because this is the future and we want to be part of it we will be releasing new products for this market, earlier this month we launched our new DSLR section and we plan on expanding this section to include more than the few products we currently sell there.
We like to think we have started with some of the best products like the H4n Redheads, Zacuto's Z-finder, The super affordable D|Focus and the New Affordable LCDVF And some of the best training DVDs for getting you up to speed on How to get the Film Look out of your new camera body.
And the most exciting part is still to come, we are working on a camera accessory cage for the 5Dmk2, 7D, and the new 1Dmk4, We are shooting for a sub $200 price. You will be able to securely attach things like external Monitors, microphones, sound recorders, and follow focus gears. We plan on releasing it the first half of JAN.
Also Because so many JAG user are moving to HDSLRs and they will be needing lenses which unfortunately are so expensive, we have decided to offer 35mm lens rentals at 35mmrentals.com The site will officially be launching later this year as soon as we figure out insurance stuff for all this equipment, we plan on offering EOS lenses and bodies first and then expanding to Nikon lenses and bodies.
We also have started VDSLRuser.com a forum we will post all our ongoing projects and hopefully others will start joining and sharing.
Labels: 5Dmk2, DSLR, Jag35.com, Promotions

I thought i give you guys an update on the spinner, Last we saw of it was here in this thread back in august, thats 4 months ago. It seems like ages, because so many things have happened, we've been so busy. But things are finally falling to place here in our new location. So work on the spinner picks up again, and with good progress too, At this point we have completely redesigned it to simplify it and eliminate so many of the problems it had. At the top of the list was noise and vibration. Because the old design used an off center motor and pulleys and a belt drive eliminating noise and vibration turned out to be harder than we though.
We were fortunate enough to find a smaller motor that now will allow us to directly mount the gg into it, all without changing the overall size of the adapter, which by the way its as small as it can be.
Also to further eliminate the noise we decided to mill a custom aluminum case for it, which will also add strenght to the structural integrity, and it will make for a more pro looking device.
Originally we thought of just making a rectangular case but because we are making it from scratch we decided to give it a design that would better work. This is how it currently looks like:
So the spinner is alive, and looking better than ever, and the good news is that we plan on pricing it very very competitively, as it will most likely be the last 35mm adapter that we design. Who knows where this whole HDSLR revolution will take us, and we dont really know how many and for how long you guys will remain loyal to the old 35mm adapter. But as long as the interest exists we will have a jag35 for you.
Just got the Newly and freshly machined parts for the JAG35sp V2, they look awesome, only a few adjustments and we will be ordering a production run. I am happy to say that it's looking like we'll be able to keep its price $300ish.
Jan 28 Update
Parts for first 50 units arrive!! Exciting times.

The only way that's gonna happen is if you would have placed your order two weeks ago. At this point, there's absolutely no way we'll get an adapter to you before Christmas if you place your order this week. Sorry about that, but there's just no way.
As much as we'd like to gain on our list and ship everything out to you guys today, it's just no possible, we're doing our best and working as fast as we possibly can, but with the holidays rush everything seems to be going slower, so getting our parts has taken longer for us too, so bear with us, as we try and get everyone's order in a timely manner.