Custom Jag35 GG Screens

We've gotten quite a few questions regarding our Custom Jag35 Ground Glass (GG) focusing Screens, and why we choose these over the Canon EEs or EEa Screens. Well, I'll try to quickly explain some of the issues we had with the Canon Screens, and what we did to fix these issues.

The more obvious issues with using these screens, is that they are rectangular, which makes mounting inside the adapter a bit harder and also creates aligning issues while setting up the adapter to your camera. To avoid these kind of issues our GG Screens, are round and a full 49mm diameter inside the Jag35 barrel, this way aligning the cameras view is not an issue.

The other issue we ran into was the price, these screens are expensive, and very fragile and sensitive to the touch, which makes handlin' them really hard, and basically impossible to clean out, we found ourselves ruining too many of them before getting them to work. We decided to make our GG Screens out of glass, which makes them quite tough, and easy to handle, clean, or even wash them with water. The GG Screen is mounted on a 49mm threaded ring, which easily screws on and off for easy access.

The last point I will talk about is really a matter of taste, but in my opinion, the bokeh created with the Canon screens, which are made out of plastic and use the Fresnel concentric lines, which basically creates a rounded pattern, is not ideal for the film look. Our GG Screens are grounded with aluminum oxide, which creates a fine spotted grain, which I believe to give the video a more filmic element to your footage. After several tests and attempts, we found the 5 micron GG Screen to be the more versatile to the most common situations, which is why we ship all our adapters with the 5 micron GG Screen. We do offer 9m, 15m, 25m if you wanna play around with different GG Screens, and do tests yourselves, they are available thru our accessories page

To expand a bit more on the different micron options for these GG Screens, because we constantly get this questions, I'll explain it a little bit more. The 5 micron basically refers to the amount of abrasiveness used to grind the screens. The finer the grind size like for example 5 micron, the more the light will pass, which means the brighter your picture, however, the more light the easier it is to get hot spotting in your picture or blown, over exposed areas where there is more light. We found the finest grind to be at 5 micron to be just before you begin getting a lot of hot spotting, nearly impossible to shoot a decent picture, this is why we ship all our adapters with a 5 micron screen for you to start off with. If you wanted to try other screens, you definitely can, however, keep in mind that the smaller the grind, 9m, 15m and even 25m the less light will pass thru, which means you'll be getting a darker image. Hope this helps explain the how the micron size affects your image, and why we suggest you use the 5 micron.


Jason said...

What's the difference between the 5mm and the higher numbered microns?
I notice my 5micron is a bit grainy in the out of focus parts of the frame.

카지노사이트 said...

Fantastic nice. D.

토토사이트 said...

I appreciate this post. D.

토토사이트 said...

I appreciate this post. D.

토토사이트 said...

Thanks for the nice blog. D.

토토사이트 said...

Thanks for the nice blog. D.

안전놀이터 said...

It was very useful for me. D.

신용카드 현금화 said...

I high appreciate this post. D.

바카라사이트 said...

I would love to save and share this.. D.

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