So much has happened these past few weeks, that I don't even know where to begin. First I want to apologize if your emails haven't been answered in a timely manner, we're working hard to try and catch up with all emails, but missing even a day puts us way behind, now try missing a full week, and then half a week and now already a full day this week. It's been a struggle, but very exciting stuff happening. After we got back from our Florida trip to attend WEVA we quickly prepared for another Trade show, this time closer to us, The DVExpo 09 in Pasadena, CA. We had a great time showing our products to many people, explaining how the adapters work, and most importantly, how affordable it is, most people thought they didn't hear the price correctly the first time, so we found ourselves repeating it over and over again, "Starting at $99".
The great people at Zacuto gave us the opportunity to showcase our adapters at a corner of their booth and it worked out well, we wanted to thank them for that, of course we carry our cameras everywhere we go, so we captured a few stills you can check out below.

If you've been following our tweets and blog posts lately, you'll know we've been out here in Orlando Florida for the 2009 WEVA convention. This has been our first expo, and we think it was a complete success. We met up with old friends we hadn't seen in a while met online friends personally for the first time and we made many new ones, that was the best part of this whole trip. Zacuto's Crew are some of coolest people we met, friendly and helpful and ready to share their vast knowledge about this industry and their awesome line of top notch products. What follows are some of the images taken during the week.

We've been getting a lot of questions regarding using our Jag35 Adapters on different type of cameras, other than Canons. I guess we really don't think of it, but a big chunk of our clients are using Canons, and since we use canons, sometimes we forget to mention about using them with other model cameras, like Sony, JVC or Panasonic. Basically, you can use the Jag35 Adapters on most consumer cameras, the thing to look for is, your camera's lens filter thread diameter. We ship our adapters with the most common threads. 37mm, 43mm and 58mm, this covers most consumers cameras, but if you have a different thread, like for example, some JVC's have a 46mm thread, or 30mm thread, you can still use the Jag35 adapters on this cameras. You'll just need to use a step ring in order to do this. If you have a 46mm thread, you'll need to go with the Jag35 adapter with the 43mm thread, and you'll need to use a 46mm to 43mm step down ring.
I also wanted to mention, it was brought to our attention that the Sony HVR-HD1000u has some issues accepting the Jag35 adapter, even with the 37mm thread. We haven't tried this ourselves, so we can't give you more info on this at the moment, but as soon as we do, we'll share our insights.
Also I wanted to share a couple of video reviews made by Tom Guilmette of
Updated Review with more Information.

The nights keep getting better and better here at WEVA, Once again David's Club turned out to be the place to be, as it was full of the most amazing group of people I have mingled with in a long time, Had a great time making new friends and hanging out with old ones. Not much else to say except, hope you enjoy the pictures.

So after an all night flight to orlando we made our way to the Orlando Hilton, A brand new hotel, so new that we were told we are the first to ever stay in our room.
After checking in and settling in our room we decide to go downstairs for dinner. We chose to eat at David's where we were glad to find some familiar faces already there.
Me with Philip Bloom and Joe Stunzi
Den Lennie and Joe Stunz
Also got Philip Practicing some spanish: